What if you could add a purpose-filled 6-figures in profit to your business…

...without sacrifice, hustle, or burnout so you can experience the freedom and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.

What if you could add a purpose-filled

6-figures in profit to your business…

...without sacrifice, hustle, or burnout so you can experience the freedom and fulfillment you’ve always wanted.

Enrolment Ends Soon

Is this you, brilliant one?

  • You want the resources to explore and experience all that life has to offer, not grind away your days

  • You want a business that has big impact for the world, and lets you live with incredible freedom

  • You're ready to truly claim your genius and the higher purpose that only you can fulfill

  • You're ready to master your message so your soulmate clients scream 'take my money!'

  • You want practical and actionable ways to turn your magic into cash in the bank, and grow it

Is this you, brilliant one?

  • You want the resources to explore and experience all that life has to offer, not grind away your days

  • You want a business that has big impact for the world, and lets you live with incredible freedom

  • You're ready to truly claim your genius and the higher purpose that only you can fulfill

  • You're ready to master your message so your soulmate clients scream 'take my money!'

  • You want practical and actionable ways to turn your magic into cash in the bank, and grow it

What if I told you there was a path to exactly that?

Earning abundantly while living your life’s purpose is easy… when you know exactly how to turn your Dharma into Dollars!

In this program, you will…

What if I told you there was a path to exactly that?

Earning abundantly while living your life’s purpose is easy… when you know exactly how to turn your Dharma into Dollars!

In this program, you will…

Release the conditioning keeping you from receiving your desires, embrace your unique genius, and the effortless way you attract clients!

Offer, market and sell from sacred service, in a way that’s as natural as breathing to you. No DMs, complex funnels, or even sales calls!

Crack the money code. Heal your money stuff, tap into exponential returns, and apply effective tools to grow your wealth!

Release the conditioning keeping you from receiving your desires, embrace your unique genius, and the effortless way you attract clients!

Offer, market and sell from sacred service, in a way that’s as natural as breathing to you. No DMs, complex funnels, or even sales calls!

Crack the money code. Heal your money stuff, tap into exponential returns, and apply effective tools to grow your wealth!

Check out Wendy’s Results

Wendy Bachelu

Graphic Designer and
Holistic Fitness Coach

$45k in 8 Weeks And OPENING A NEW BUSINESS

The big outward highlights came for me towards the end of the D2D Graduate Program. It’s been fun to celebrate multiple $20k+ months and receive incredible opportunities to write multiple-6 figure contracts. Before that, with the D2D Biz Academy, the wins were my internal foundation; I completely rewired my relationship to fear, finally got unstuck, and moved forward with a million little details and pieces that will help me launch my new coaching business, and feel fully SAFE to move ahead. I’ve regained trust in myself, am able to extend deep grace to myself and others, reinstated healthy boundaries by recalibrating my intuition, and learned and implemented so much about my unique design through the Gene Keys and Human Design. I’m floored by the energy and vitality I feel after going through a huge deconditioning phase at the beginning of our journey together, and wondering if I’d ever feel energetic again. I know I am exactly where I’m meant to be, and excited for what’s to come!

Check out Wendy’s Results

Wendy Bachelu

Graphic Designer and
Holistic Fitness Coach

$45k in 8 Weeks And OPENING A NEW BUSINESS

The big outward highlights came for me towards the end of the D2D Graduate Program. It’s been fun to celebrate multiple $20k+ months and receive incredible opportunities to write multiple-6 figure contracts. Before that, with the D2D Biz Academy, the wins were my internal foundation; I completely rewired my relationship to fear, finally got unstuck, and moved forward with a million little details and pieces that will help me launch my new coaching business, and feel fully SAFE to move ahead. I’ve regained trust in myself, am able to extend deep grace to myself and others, reinstated healthy boundaries by recalibrating my intuition, and learned and implemented so much about my unique design through the Gene Keys and Human Design. I’m floored by the energy and vitality I feel after going through a huge deconditioning phase at the beginning of our journey together, and wondering if I’d ever feel energetic again. I know I am exactly where I’m meant to be, and excited for what’s to come!

Are you ready to turn your Dharma into Dollars so you can Experience the Freedom and Fulfillment you know is available?

Introducing the Dharma to Dollars Business Academy

Everything you need to add a purpose-filled, life-giving, high-profit 6 figures to your business, harnessing your unique design, and powered by proven strategies.

Here's what's included:

  • 24 In-Depth Modules

    Powerful, in-depth teaching and training. Everything you need to understand and implement to grow your soul-based biz your way.

  • Exercises & Frameworks

    In addition to the teaching modules, use powerful exercises to ground your knowledge, and potent frameworks to build upon as you grow.

  • Peer Support Group

    Nothing makes a journey more enjoyable than sharing it with an exceptional group of like-minded peers. Receive and provide support from your new biz besties!

Are you ready to turn your Dharma into Dollars so you can Experience the Freedom and Fulfillment you know is available?

Introducing the Dharma to Dollars Business Academy

Everything you need to add a purpose-filled, life-giving, high-profit 6 figures to your business, harnessing your unique design, and powered by proven strategies.

Here's what's included:

  • 24 In-Depth Modules

    Powerful, in-depth teaching and training. Everything you need to understand and implement to grow your soul-based biz your way.

  • Exercises & Frameworks

    In addition to the teaching modules, use powerful exercises to ground your knowledge, and potent frameworks to build upon as you grow.

  • Peer Support Group

    Nothing makes a journey more enjoyable than sharing it with an exceptional group of like-minded peers. Receive and provide support from your new biz besties!

Looking for a Sneak Peek?

I can’t wait to show you how incredible it feels to be fully on purpose, lit up, living a life of freedom, and earning abundantly along the way!

Are you ready to step into the level of purpose and abundance you've always dreamed?

Looking for a Sneak Peek?

I can’t wait to show you how incredible it feels to be fully on purpose, lit up, living a life of freedom, and earning abundantly along the way!

Are you ready to step into the level of purpose and abundance you've always dreamed?


Business by Design

Everything you need to create a successful business is already coded into your DNA. You came with a unique blueprint, specific desires that guide you without fail, and a dharma that only you can fulfill.

Business by Design shows you how to read this blueprint, connecting who you are at soul level with how you are meant to operate in the world, how access your intuition to make aligned decisions, and the power to create your life and business exactly as you desire.


Business by Design

Everything you need to create a successful business is already coded into your DNA. You came with a unique blueprint, specific desires that guide you without fail, and a dharma that only you can fulfill.

Business by Design shows you how to read this blueprint, connecting who you are at soul level with how you are meant to operate in the world, how access your intuition to make aligned decisions, and the power to create your life and business exactly as you desire.


Model and Offer Magic

The purpose for which you are uniquely made is also designed to be richly rewarded. And not after years of hustle and sacrifice. Structuring your business model, products, and offers to leverage and support your innate design is your greatest key to wild profitability and life-giving sustainability.

Tap into your highest profit potential and sustainable delivery encoded right in your design and wake up every day excited to serve while ensuring you are working in a way that maximizes your fullest capabilities.


Model and Offer Magic

The purpose for which you are uniquely made is also designed to be richly rewarded. And not after years of hustle and sacrifice. Structuring your business model, products, and offers to leverage and support your innate design is your greatest key to wild profitability and life-giving sustainability.

Tap into your highest profit potential and sustainable delivery encoded right in your design and wake up every day excited to serve while ensuring you are working in a way that maximizes your fullest capabilities.


Conscious Cashflow

Mastering your Message is the dial that controls the cashflow faucet in your business. Craft audience-exploding content and cashflow-driving copy and never wonder how to attract soulmate clients and customers ever again.

Not a repository of cringey cookie cutter scripts or AI generated snooze fests, you’ll harness timeless principles of communication, plus your personal Core Message, Marketing Archetype, and Content Personality so authentic inspiration steadily falls from your lips and fingers like nectar from the gods.


Conscious Cashflow

Mastering your Message is the dial that controls the cashflow faucet in your business. Craft audience-exploding content and cashflow-driving copy and never wonder how to attract soulmate clients and customers ever again.

Not a repository of cringey cookie cutter scripts or AI generated snooze fests, you’ll harness timeless principles of communication, plus your personal Core Message, Marketing Archetype, and Content Personality so authentic inspiration steadily falls from your lips and fingers like nectar from the gods.


Quantum Wealth

Now that you’re bringing your abundance into manifested form in real, tangible dollars, we want to keep it and grow it!

Identify and rewrite your limiting money beliefs, call in new money whenever you desire, and watch your wealth grow.

A potent blend of energetics, mindset, and real-world strategies to honor, attract, and grow the presence of money in your life!


Quantum Wealth

Now that you’re bringing your abundance into manifested form in real, tangible dollars, we want to keep it and grow it!

Identify and rewrite your limiting money beliefs, call in new money whenever you desire, and watch your wealth grow.

A potent blend of energetics, mindset, and real-world strategies to honor, attract, and grow the presence of money in your life!

Check out Riki’s Results

Riki Silzer

Graphic Designer,
Rise Frequency Intuitive Graphic Design

Message Clarity And Paying Off Debt

My journey with Sharleen has been incredible! In just under three months of working with her, I experienced a remarkable turnaround in my professional life. After facing a challenging period in 2021/2022 that resulted in a significant drop in my income, I reached my best income month in over two years. Sharleen's guidance has not only boosted my revenue but has also brought a flood of inquiries from potential clients and seen existing clients returning for new projects. With her help, I've gained clarity on my messaging and a clear path for the future.

Moreover, I'm paying off all the accumulated debt during those tough two years. This investment in working with Sharleen has undeniably been the best decision for me and my business. I've worked with other mentors and coaches over the past four years, and there's simply no comparison. The progress I've achieved in the last 12 months is astounding, and the future looks even brighter. Sharleen's expertise and support have truly transformed my professional life!

Check out Riki’s Results

Riki Silzer

Graphic Designer,
Rise Frequency Intuitive Graphic Design

Message Clarity And Paying Off Debt

My journey with Sharleen has been incredible! In just under three months of working with her, I experienced a remarkable turnaround in my professional life. After facing a challenging period in 2021/2022 that resulted in a significant drop in my income, I reached my best income month in over two years. Sharleen's guidance has not only boosted my revenue but has also brought a flood of inquiries from potential clients and seen existing clients returning for new projects. With her help, I've gained clarity on my messaging and a clear path for the future.

Moreover, I'm paying off all the accumulated debt during those tough two years. This investment in working with Sharleen has undeniably been the best decision for me and my business. I've worked with other mentors and coaches over the past four years, and there's simply no comparison. The progress I've achieved in the last 12 months is astounding, and the future looks even brighter. Sharleen's expertise and support have truly transformed my professional life!


Let's talk about the bonuses.

Just when you thought it couldn't get ANY better…

In my Decode Your Genius

mini-course you will be guided to reveal exactly what you’re here to give the world, what you need to feel stable and supported in the fulfillment of your gifts, and why people would pay you handsomely for them.

Valued at $297

The VOICE Masterclass Bundle.

My 2 most potent masterclass series on marketing from your soul. Includes VOICE; The Frequency of Attraction and VOICE; Messaging Mastery. These 2 potent pre-recorded Masterclass series will revolutionize your marketing.

Valued at $697

In The Awakened Heart digital course you will gently unlock and leverage the 6 core components of your unique heart resonance to effortlessly navigate any and all obstacles and barriers that block the flow of abundance and prosperity in your life.

Valued at $897

Don't delay turning your Dharma into Dollars any longer!


Let's talk about the bonuses.

Just when you thought it couldn't get ANY better…

In my Decode Your Genius

mini-course you will be guided to reveal exactly what you’re here to give the world, what you need to feel stable and supported in the fulfillment of your gifts, and why people would pay you handsomely for them.

Valued at $297

The VOICE Masterclass Bundle.

My 2 most potent masterclass series on marketing from your soul. Includes VOICE; The Frequency of Attraction and VOICE; Messaging Mastery. These 2 potent pre-recorded Masterclass series will revolutionize your marketing.

Valued at $697

In The Awakened Heart digital course you will gently unlock and leverage the 6 core components of your unique heart resonance to effortlessly navigate any and all obstacles and barriers that block the flow of abundance and prosperity in your life.

Valued at $897

Don't delay turning your Dharma into Dollars any longer!

More Amazing CLIENT Results!

  • JP 11x'd her revenue over the previous year, unearthed her global mission and works an average of 10 hours per week.

  • EP sold a 4-figure package within 30 days after almost 2 years of single sessions only

  • MM went from $60 single sessions to $3k-$4k healing packages with a waitlist.

  • RL went from terrified to embodied, and released her job fully supported in just 8 months.

  • MM increased over her previous year's revenue so much she had to check her accounting software! (400% increase).

  • EC came out of the red, claimed her spiritual gifts, and had her best month ($89k) and best quarter ($165k) ever!

  • RC simplified and streamlined her biz, clarified her offers, honed in on her message and almost tripled her prices in less than 2 months.

  • Imagine YOUR results here!

More Amazing Results!

  • JP 11x'd her revenue over the previous year, unearthed her global mission and works an average of 10 hours per week.

  • EP sold a 4-figure package within 30 days after almost 2 years of single sessions only

  • MM went from $60 single sessions to $3k-$4k healing packages with a waitlist.

  • RL went from terrified to embodied, and released her job fully supported in just 8 months.

  • MM increased over her previous year's revenue so much she had to check her accounting software! (400% increase).

  • EC came out of the red, claimed her spiritual gifts, and had her best month ($89k) and best quarter ($165k) ever!

  • RC simplified and streamlined her biz, clarified her offers, honed in on her message and almost tripled her prices in less than 2 months.

  • Imagine YOUR results here!

Hey, I'm Sharleen…

I know firsthand what it’s like to build and scale a successful business. I’ve done it a half-dozen times now!

After nearly two decades of trial and error I’ve cracked the code! There is no ‘right way’ to do business and generate abundant income. There is only YOUR way.

Following someone else’s systems and strategies will only bring you so far. For abundant revenue, and freedom in all the ways you desire, you must understand how to connect your business with your highest purpose, your heart’s desires, and your unique design.

And then communicate this clearly and effectively so that you become magnetic and have an inbox full of soulmate clients asking how to work with you.

Your ultimate freedom and fulfillment comes from turning your Dharma into Dollars. 

Hi there, I'm Sharleen!

I know firsthand what it’s like to build and scale a successful business. I’ve done it a half-dozen times now!

After nearly two decades of trial and error I’ve cracked the code! There is no ‘right way’ to do business and generate abundant income. There is only YOUR way.

Following someone else’s systems and strategies will only bring you so far. For abundant revenue, and freedom in all the ways you desire, you must understand how to connect your business with your highest purpose, your heart’s desires, and your unique design.

And then communicate this clearly and effectively so that you become magnetic and have an inbox full of soulmate clients asking how to work with you.

Your ultimate freedom and fulfillment comes from turning your Dharma into Dollars. 


Years Business Experience


Clients & Customers

30 to 30k

Average Ticket Value


In Revenue

15 Years Business Experience

1000+ Clients & Customers

30 to 30k Average Ticket Value

Millions in Revenue



Check out the answers to some frequently asked questions and don't forget you can always reach me on Facebook Messenger by clicking the icon below this section.

How long should this course take to complete?

The first couple of times I delivered this course live we took 7 months each time. We spent one week on each topic, and took 1 week break for integration between each of the 4 modules. The participants felt this was a great pace to learn, integrate and adapt along the way. You are free to go as fast or slow as your evolution desires!

How do I access all the material and support?

The course is hosted on a robust teaching platform and you will receive a unique login to your own portal and have 24/7 access. You will also receive access to a peer support facebook group. If you purchased the Live program you will receive links to zoom calls for all support calls and the complete schedule. No matter what level of program you purchased you will have lifetime access to the course material.

How much time should I anticipate spending?

Each of the 24 teaching videos average 45-60 minutes and come with worksheets and exercises. Allocating 2 hours per module is plenty, and you can binge or stretch out the course to your perfect pace!

Can I see the full curriculum?

You bet! Just click this link to see the entire outline Dharma to Dollars Curriculum Outline.

What if I am new to business?

This course does not cover the basics of business set up or the foundations of sales or service delivery. If you have all those things covered, then this is the best next place to jump in to ensure you build something truly suited to your unique and brilliant self!

I'm not new to business, can this work for me?

This is PERFECT for you. If you have some experience with entrepreneurship or run an established business but desire far more freedom and fulfillment than you are currently experiencing, this is absolutely your ticket to that ride!

How big does my audience need to be?

Entrepreneurs who have enjoyed success with this program have had audiences as small as 150 friends on Facebook through to 5000+ each on multiple platforms. 



Check out the answers to some frequently asked questions and don't forget you can always reach me on Facebook Messenger by clicking the icon below this section.

How long should this course take to complete?

The first couple of times I delivered this course live we took 7 months each time. We spent one week on each topic, and took 1 week break for integration between each of the 4 modules. The participants felt this was a great pace to learn, integrate and adapt along the way. You are free to go as fast or slow as your evolution desires!

How do I access all the material and support?

The course is hosted on a robust teaching platform and you will receive a unique login to your own portal and have 24/7 access. You will also receive access to a peer support facebook group. If you purchased the Live program you will receive links to zoom calls for all support calls and the complete schedule. No matter what level of program you purchased you will have lifetime access to the course material.

How much time should I anticipate spending?

Each of the 24 teaching videos average 45-60 minutes and come with worksheets and exercises. Allocating 2 hours per module is plenty, and you can binge or stretch out the course to your perfect pace!

Can I see the full curriculum?

You bet! Just click this link to see the entire outline Dharma to Dollars Curriculum Outline.

What if I am new to business?

This course does not cover the basics of business set up or the foundations of sales or service delivery. If you have all those things covered, then this is the best next place to jump in to ensure you build something truly suited to your unique and brilliant self!

I'm not new to business, can this work for me?

This is PERFECT for you. If you have some experience with entrepreneurship or run an established business but desire far more freedom and fulfillment than you are currently experiencing, this is absolutely your ticket to that ride!

How big does my audience need to be?

Entrepreneurs who have enjoyed success with this program have had audiences as small as 150 friends on Facebook through to 5000+ each on multiple platforms. 


Joining Dharma to Dollars is EASY!

You get everything included below


Joining Dharma to Dollars is EASY!

You get everything included below

  • Business by Design 6-part Module
    (valued at $897)

  • Model & Offer Magic 6-part Module
    (valued at $897)

  • Conscious Cashflow 6-week Module
    (valued at $897)

  • Quantum Wealth 6-week Module

    (valued at $897)

  • Exercises, Frameworks & Peer Support Group (valued at $697)

  • Decode Your Genius Mini-Course

    (valued at $297)

  • VOICE Masterclass Bundle

    (valued at $697)

  • The Awakened Heart Digital Course
    (valued at $897)

Total Value $6176

  • Business by Design 6-part Module (valued at $897)

  • Model & Offer Magic 6-part Module (valued at $897)

  • Conscious Cashflow 6-week Module (valued at $897)

  • Quantum Wealth 6-week Module (valued at $897)

  • Exercises, Frameworks & Peer Support Group (valued at $697)

  • Decode Your Genius Mini-Course (valued at $297)

  • VOICE Masterclass Bundle

    (valued at $697)

  • The Awakened Heart Digital Course (valued at $897)

Total Value $6176

Total Value $6176

And don't miss this exclusive bonus

PAY IN FULL BONUS! Concept to Cash digital course

My step-by-step blueprint to go from idea to 5-figures cash in the bank in 21 days (valued at $697)

And don't miss this exclusive bonus


Concept to Cash digital course

My step-by-step blueprint to go from idea to 5-figures cash in the bank in 21 days (valued at $697)

All programs are payable in USD



Secure your spot and let the magic begin!

Save $185 AND receive your Bonus valued at $697.

Payment plan

6 x $247

Secure your spot with six easy

monthly payments.

VIP Upgrade



Add private coaching and content review. Limited spots. Save $385 and receive your BONUS valued at $697.

Payment plan

6 x $997

Add private coaching and content review.

Limited spots. Six monthly payments.

All programs are payable in USD

All programs are payable in USD



Secure your spot and let the magic begin! Save $185 AND receive your Bonus valued at $697.

Payment plan

6 x $247

Secure your spot with six easy

monthly payments.

VIP Upgrade



Add private coaching and content review. Limited spots. Save $385 and receive your BONUS valued at $697.

Payment plan

6 x $997

Add private coaching and content review. Limited spots. Six monthly payments.

All programs are payable in USD